AICPA就是美国注册会计师协会(American Institute of Certified Public Accountants),是全球公认最专业和最具规模的专业团体之一,有125年历史,现共有39.4万会员服务全球128个国家,并被国际主流传媒誉为公信力的象征。
PCAOB proposal could result in public tracking of auditors
December 4, 2013
At first, the names of audit engagement partners disclosed in public company audit reports might not mean much to investors, PCAOB Associate Chief Auditor Jessica Watts said Wednesday as she described a new board proposal.
PCAOB continues focus on audits of internal control over financial reporting
The PCAOB maintained its focus on audits of internal control over financial reporting (ICFR) Thursday by issuing its second report in 11 months on the subject.
PCAOB approves standards for auditors of broker-dealers
By Ken Tysiac October 10, 2013
The PCAOB on Thursday approved new standards for auditors of brokers and dealers.
Two new attestation standards are designed to help protect customer funds by establishing rules for examinations and reviews of compliance information that broker-dealers submit to the SEC.
How finance and accounting can boost innovation
By Ken Tysiac September 10, 2013
【提 要】本报告通过AICPA于2013年第3季度刚完成的一个大型问卷调查,分析了影响企业创新和发展的若干因素,并指出了财会可如何促进企业创新与增值的若干窍门。
PCAOB proposes sweeping changes to the auditor’s reporting model
By Ken Tysiac August 13, 2013
【编者按语】PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board)建议的新审计报告模式将有可能影响全球上市公司。
Financial planning
September 2013
Issuers of certain private securities, including hedge funds, will be able to advertise to the general public under a rule the SEC adopted.